Meaningless Poetry

People are humans

Children of God

Made in his image

We are more alike than different

We all have hopes and dreams

Sometimes we want the same things too

Sometimes just a little bit different

But we are more alike

In our aspirations

Dreams of our hearts

Desires of our souls

We are alike


I thought if I tied you to me

I could keep you away from anyone to have you

But I was wrong,wasn’t I?

If I kept you in jail of my obssessions, bondage of my unrealistic needs

I would have lost you anyway

Because I didn’t have you in the first place then

So I let you go


If I hadn’t tried,then I would beat myself up

Nights of endless thoughts of what-ifs

You are already gone anyway

Because in my mind I let you loose

Your grip gone from my firm wrists

I wonder if there is anything I could have done differently

But the ones I could think of were inevitable anyway

Or else I wouldn’t be able to live with you or myself for that matter

With my broken dreams as well

So I had to pick one

And let one go

That’s life right?

Sweet,sour and soothing

Bitte,better and boring at times

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